Design trends Calgary

Which design trends Calgary is currently following may be different from other parts of the world! Design trends will vary depending on specific countries, cultures, demographic of people, type of house and many other factors. One thing for sure is they never stand still and colors that are in now, will likely be different to 5 years time. So whether you go for a modern cutting edge design trends, or go for a more classic timeless look, is a decision that has to be weighed up. We take a look at this and also other important aspects of design that you should look for in your renovation project.

Design trends Calgary: Items 1 - 3

1. Designers and trends

As you will have no doubt noticed the color of choice for cabinetry has changed a lot over the last few years! Tile colors and shapes are constantly evolving and the color pallet for wall paint is different in the design magazines from year to year. In fact pretty much every material you see in your house, from floor to ceiling is subject to constant change in design trends. Everyone tends to want the latest and greatest options and all the companies supplying product want to be the ones to give it to you. The challenge becomes finding what works for you and a good designer can be a huge help in this regard. Make sure you find a designer who listens and understand your preferences and does not try to impose their favourite style onto your project.

2. Modern or classic?

Going more modern or classic in design, maybe linked to your age, personality and preferences, but also should be considered in the big picture of long term planning. Going with an ultra modern look incorporating all the latest design trends Calgary has to offer, will likely give you that magazine like home and draw plenty of reaction from your family and friends. For some people being on the cutting edge is highly important, but for others a more classic look may be worth considering. Remember ultra modern means when design trends have changed significantly in the next 5 - 10 years may leave your home now feeling dated. The more classic look may not be the latest and greatest design, but may well age a lot more gracefully. The choice here is ultimately down to you, but if you want to avoid a look which dates more quickly, try to avoid extremes and pick colors and materials which tend to fall into the middle of a spectrum.

3. Researching design trends Calgary

Apart from looking at magazine and online for design trends Calgary homes are following, taking a look at show homes can often be a great way to research. Looking a pictures is definitely a big help, but often seeing things in the flesh helps to crystalize designs and touching and feeling product is important. Having said that a lot of initial research can be done online as using sites such as Houzz and Pinterest can be really useful tools in narrowing down your look. If your budget is tight for your renovation project it is often a good idea to investigate how certain design trends impact your budget, before you get too far down the decision making process. Understanding what is more expensive will save you wasting time picking options which are too costly for your budget and allow you to focus where you get the best bang for your buck!

Make sure your design is not the achilles heel of your project. A well executed design usually translates to a successful construction phase. Poor design leads to many problems, frustrations, delays and worst of all extra costs! Learn more below...

Design trends Calgary: Items 4 - 6

4. Design and timing

For some the timing of design from an overall persepective is not really considered much, but let me tell you it can have a huge impact on your project. Having seen people rush into projects which are not properly designed and the chaos that ensues, you really want to execute design well before even thinking about construction! As a general rule the more complete your project is in terms of design and selections being fully decided, the lower the risk you have going into construction. In an ideal world have your detailed plans and selection 100% done before you start and if this is not possible ensure do you start unless you have all the key aspects figured out. Having seen the stress and cost that can come from rushing into construction prematurely, do not ever be tempted to start before your renovation is design ready.

5. Designer experience

There are many designers out there and their backgrounds and experiences will vary. Having someone who comes up with great design is clearly very important, but don't forget someone has to be able to take all those plans and selections and turn this into your dream home! This is what really separates a great designer from the rest. Ideally having construction experience or at least having a really good understand of what is needed for construction, will make your project go a lot smoother in the construction phase. If you are using a good renovation contractor they should be able to assist in this regard, but even so having a great designer can make a massive difference to your renovation experience. It is also good to have a designer that will as part of their service be there to help you during construction. This helps with figuring out challenges that may arise, as well as gives you reassurance that certain key milestone stages are checked and confirmed.

6. Attention to detail

This can't be emphasized enough, but attention to detail in design is vitally important in a well executed home renovation. Selection sheets need to have exact details shown, so there is no possible confusion for you in knowing exactly what you have chosen and also for trades involved knowing what to supply. Accurate and detailed plans with all the dimensions needed, annotations and elevations for key areas are so important! Remember each individual trades needs to be able to pick up plans and selections and know exactly what they are doing. Without all the details mistakes will happen! Ensure you know what your designer must produce to make your design construction ready.

Having seen first hand the direct impact of good and bad design documentation on renovation projects, let me assure you the difference is night and day! It's very unlikely you know every detail required to successfully execute a well planned renovation from a design perspective. Let us help you circumnavigate this potential mine field and give you re-assurance you to know what to look for on your project. Our consulting services can address this and many other important aspects of your renovation project.

So are you ready for us to help you with your renovation project?