What's your home renovation Calgary strategy?

For your home renovation Calgary plan we are going to consider this is 2 parts. Firstly coming up with an overall strategy for your project is very important and helps you have a clear direction. Secondly a detailed plan helps you take your strategy and turn it into a reality. On this page we are going to look at the overall strategy first.

How does your home renovation strategy fit together?

Let's take a look at the key home renovation Calgary strategy areas:

1. What are your key goals of the renovation?

Write down a list of all the things you want to achieve with your renovation. When you are sure you have all the items down, spend some time listing them in order of priority. This will really help you focus on the most important items first and spend the time where it is most needed.

2. Wants versus needs?

In a renovation they are often must haves, but also some like to haves. Try to be clear what are non-negotiables and which items are optional (don't let your heart rule your head in the heat of moment). Remember it doesn't matter what your budget is, you can always spend more and you have to recognize the cut off point!

3. Timing of project?

When are you looking to start for home renovation Calgary project? Consider if you project is better to do at certain times of the year and then consider how much time you need to do the planning and design before you need to start. Many people have a unrealistic expectation of the time required to plan properly, so give yourself enough breathing space to make considered decisions.

The more time you take working on a clear strategy and detailed plan of execution, the higher your chances of your renovation project being a success! As Benjamin Franklin said "if you fail to plan, your are planning to fail!"

4. Full or partial reno?

Some people may consider doing a renovation project in phases, while others want to do everything at once. There is no right or wrong answer, as you may be working around budget constraints, but have a clear overall strategy is crucial if you are planning to do further work! Without this you are certainly going to significantly increase your costs and cause unnecessary overlap between phases.

5. Who to involve when?

Knowing who to bring in when is important and will dictate how effectively your project will progress. Knowing the optimum sequence, will avoid wasted time and money, not to mention a whole lot of frustration! When we look at your project we can help you with this.

6. Answering the key questions?

If you want to do significant changes in the layout of your home, but have no idea what is feasible, you need to find this out before you get too far down the road. It is always good to be flexible in your approach and if possible have a plan b, but know what you have to work with before you progress to far is critical. However how do find out what is possible? Well speaking to an independent party who has good renovation knowledge is key here. Find out more what the Calgary renovation consultant can offer you.

So are you ready for us to help you with your renovation project?